
A message from the Headteacher

We work hard to create a caring, safe, happy and purposeful environment in which our children and young people can learn and grow together, achieve their potential and develop into independent, responsible and caring members of society. The Academy provides an outstanding level of pastoral care to our students and families in times of need to ensure that students are able to participate and succeed at school.

Mr Chris Heyes

Welcome to St Anne’s Church of England Academy. In 2021 we joined the Cranmer Education Trust family, along with The Blue Coat School Oldham, The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy, Mayfield Primary School and St George’s CE Primary, Manchester Nexus SCITT and East Manchester Teaching School Hub.

St Anne’s has joined the Cranmer family because we share the same faith commitment, vision and ambitions for our young people. You can read more about our Vision and Values here.

Children of all Faiths and none are welcomed into the Academy and treated equally. Every child has the right to high-quality education and Academy staff work hard, ‘going the extra mile’, to provide an excellent education here at St Anne’s. All students are nurtured and supported to ensure that they progress well throughout their learning journey at the Academy. We also work in partnership with parents and carers and provide named staff points of contact in order to make communication between home and school easier.

If your child has additional needs, arrangements can be put in place even before your child joins the Academy to ensure that those early days, which are so important, will be as enjoyable as possible. We understand that it can be particularly unsettling for some students and the Academy SENCO, Deputy SENCO and the Pastoral Team are on hand to support students.

We want our students to enjoy school and do well and there are many opportunities for children and young people to shine at the Academy. Students are encouraged to participate in a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and talents. Students of all levels of ability are supported during their lessons to help them achieve their full potential.

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour at the Academy and we have high expectations for students just as parents and carers, rightly, have high expectations of the Academy. We are committed to achieving excellent standards of attendance, punctuality and behaviour at the Academy and use an information database called Class Charts to support this goal. Parents and carers can view Class Charts on an almost live basis via an App from any device to see if their child has earned praise points or negative behaviour points that day at school. Students earn rewards for praise points and there is a sanction system in place for incidents relating to negative behaviour in accordance with the Academy Behaviour Policy. We welcome parents’ support in ensuring that our values, ethos and expectations are upheld.

As an Academy, we are committed to equality and do our utmost to meet the needs of everyone within the Academy community and treat each other with respect.

You can also read our recent Good Ofsted and SIAMS Reports by clicking the links below.

St Anne's Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.