We have faith in our future. Students make the best choices to give the best life chances.
Here at St Anne’s Church of England Academy we want to give our students the best opportunity to reach their potential, both inside and outside of the classroom. Through a wide ranging careers programme we want all students to be well informed and equipped with skills for their next steps in education, the world of work and to contribute effectively to society. These include learning outcomes of personal effectiveness, career readiness and employability skills so that students make effective and ambitious decisions.
Our careers programme is embedded throughout the whole of each student’s curriculum from Year 7 to 11. All students receive a rich provision of purposely designed classroom and extra-curricular activities to understand where different education and training choices could take them and to enable them to succeed in their future.
CEIAG is an abbreviation for careers education, information, advice and guidance. At the Academy we aim to provide careers education experiences that inform, inspire and motivate young people, preparing our students for their life after the Academy.
St Anne’s Church of England Academy is committed to providing a planned careers programme for all students that incorporates PSHE lessons, careers activities/events and subject specific careers learning experiences. Please see our ‘Careers Programme Curriculum’ and ‘Our Partners’ pages for further information.
The careers programme is monitored termly in line with academy-wide quality assurance procedures, to ensure it is meeting the statutory requirements for careers education and guidance. Please see our ‘Quality Assurance and Statutory Guidance’ page for further information.
Here at the Academy we have a team of staff who work together to deliver high quality and impartial careers education. They are:
Ms Phillips: Director of Personal Development and Careers Leader
Mr Langford: Positive Steps Careers Adviser who is at the Academy every Wednesday and Friday from 08.30-16.00
Mrs Davies: PSHE Co-ordinator
Ms Raper: Greater Manchester Combined Authority Enterprise Coordinator
For any enquiries regarding careers education, information, advice or guidance, (including access opportunities for parent/carer, employer or external provider engagement) please contact our Careers Leader Ms Phillips by telephone on 0161 643 2643 or by email at [email protected]
St Anne's Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.