Personal Development Pathways
All students are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of the school and the wider community. Our personal development programme is embedded throughout each student’s curriculum from Year 7 to 11 and is organised across three curriculum pathways:
– Faith Programme (faith activities and religious education)
– Future Programme (careers education, information, advice and guidance)
– Best for Everyone Programme (including extra and wider curricular opportunities)
Contact information for the Personal Development Team:
For any enquiries regarding Personal Development (including careers education, information, advice and guidance or external provider engagement) please contact our Director of Personal Development Ms Phillips by telephone on 0161 643 2643 or by email at [email protected]
For any enquiries regarding PSHE (including relationships and sex education) please contact our PSHE Co-ordinator Mrs Davies by telephone on 0161 643 2643 or by email at [email protected]
For any enquiries regarding the Faith programme or Religious Education please contact our chaplain Mr McQuaid or RE Co-ordinator Mrs Houghton by telephone on 0161 643 2643 or by email at [email protected] or [email protected]
St Anne's Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.