Uniform Guide

St Anne’s Academy will provide a branded blazer, tie and PE top to all new Year 7 students for September 2025 at no cost to our parents and carers. More information to follow.

Outdoor Clothing

Students are encouraged to wear an outdoor coat to school, especially during periods of inclement weather. Hooded tops, tracksuit tops, cardigans, hats and baseball caps must not be worn inside the Academy building at any time; these should be removed immediately.


From September 2021 footwear must be polishable black shoes. Students will no longer be permitted to wear black trainers. All-black trainers are not permitted. Our guidance is that footwear should be sensible and suitable to be worn with a smart suit, or uniform, in a professional business setting. Please be aware that students who present with inappropriate footwear will be expected to change into Academy shoes to maintain high standards. Failure, or refusal to do so, will lead to a consequence.

Please click the link to view our updated Acceptable Footwear Guidelines.


Other than a wristwatch, students are allowed to wear one set of plain studded earrings [no hoops, spacers or spikes]. No other jewellery or piercings are allowed for Health and Safety reasons.  This means that facial piercings, bracelets and necklaces are not permitted. It is not acceptable to cover any of these items with a plaster or bandage.


We expect all students to keep appropriate and professional hairstyles.  No extreme hairstyle is allowed; this includes extreme cuts or styles and extreme colours; so unnatural hair colours are not acceptable and patterns or lines that may be associated with gangs or other tribal markings are also forbidden.  A simple black hair band is allowed but hair fascinators such as flowers, bows or other embellishments are not part of the uniform and should not be worn. 

Make-Up and Nails

To maintain a professional learning environment all students should remember that they attend school to learn and fulfil their academic potential.  As such, make-up and fake tan are not appropriate during school business hours and should not be worn.  Coloured nail varnish and false nails should not be worn. 


All students are expected to wear the full uniform with pride at all times.  This includes the blazer.  Students should ensure that the tie is worn and tied correctly, of an appropriate length and that it covers a buttoned up top button.  All students must ensure that their shirt is tucked in fully at all times.  Socks should be plain black only.  Trousers should be formal and not be a tight or skinny fit.


All students are expected to be equipped for learning every day: the Student Planner, a school bag, pencil case, pens (blue or black and red), pencils, ruler and other stationary are the minimum equipment necessary.  Students will also need a scientific calculator (Casio or Logik) and their PE kit when required.


  • Blazer with Academy crest/logo
  • Black formal/tailored trousers
  • White shirt
  • Academy tie
  • Black jumper (optional)
  • Plain black socks
  • Black flat sensible shoes (polishable)


  • Blazer with Academy crest/logo
  • Black formal/tailored trousers or box pleat skirt
  • White shirt
  • Academy tie
  • Black jumper (optional)
  • Plain black socks or tights
  • Black flat sensible shoes (polishable)

For PE & Games

  • Academy polo shirt with logo
  • Black shorts or plain black track suit bottoms
  • Socks
  • Trainers
  • Appropriate sports bag (school can supply this at cost price)

Optional Items for PE & Games

  • Academy Hooded Jumper
  • Academy Waterproof Jacket

St Anne's Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.